Summative Entry – American Literature

America is a place that alludes me. It is a place of great diversity and strength but also a lot of bigotry and hate. America is known to be a place of dreams, where people get the opportunity to achieve things. A lot of big things have happened in America and a lot of big things are happening there now. It is amazing to learn a country’s history not only through history books but to break down each era through the literature and connect the events that were occurring and the corresponding literature that was being written.

This unit has been a wonderful journey, not only did I get to learn more about few of my favourite writes, but I also got the opportunity to discover connections between the artists and literature. This unit connected us with the rawness of Native American values and took us on a journey to rediscover slavery and its struggles. These blogs have allowed me to experience a journey and make me think outside the box. In these past 12 weeks, I’ve started questioning every source of information that I intake that could be influencing my decisions consciously or sub-consciously. I’ve always been spiritual but and loved nature but is it because of the literature I’ve read or is it because of my nature? Am I more open to the concept of immigration and things not having boundaries because I’m a post-modernist or because I’ve listened to The Beatles so many times that I’ve been conditioned in such a way? There are so many possibilities that make you question everything and these questions have widened my horizon of learning.

With the blogs, although the writing of blogs may seem to be more important, I’ve found the process of reviewing very helpful to not only the blogs but the readers as well. Reading other student’s blogs open you to a new perspective that is unique to their understanding and the events in life that has affected them. The ability to share our experiences and our understandings with each other not only allows us to expand our horizon but also gives us room to grow. Unfortunately, this is my last literature unit in my degree. But I definitely vouch to carry on my blog.

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the effort to review my blogs and I would like to thank Michael for encouraging us to blog and practice our writing outside of essays and exams.

One thought on “Summative Entry – American Literature

  1. HI Prarthana, very good summative entry! I like especially your sense of how the blogging process has expanded your boundaries and how peer reviewing has also been a part of this. You express yourself well and show a real passion for the subject. I think that you should embed into your summative entry some hot links to some of the best of your blogs so that your talent is on display rather than hidden- I am thinking of future employers!!! 🙂


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